SEVEN Total Solar Eclipses in 67 years

visible in the UK

Date Duration Time Altitude Magnitude Saros
3 June 2133 3m 35s 09:25 42 1.057 149
7 Oct 2135 2m 45s 07:26 8 1.046 136
25 May 2142 2m 52s 08:35 41 1.042 130
14 Jun 2151 2m 35s 18:19 15 1.049 149
4 Jun 2160 2m 07s 17:59 21 1.035 130
8 Nov 2189 2m 05s 08:26 9 1.035 136
14 Apr 2200 0m 19s 17:01 18 1.007 132

Duration:    Maximum duration in the UK, not the maximum duration of the eclipse
Time:    GMT (UT)
Altitude:    Maximum altitude in the UK, not the maximum altitude of the eclipse
Magnitude:    Ratio of the diameter of the Moon to that of the Sun
Saros:    Saros series to which the eclipse belongs.

No of eclipses Shade of grey

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